AUSSIE MONTH with Kylie Kaden



AUSSIE MONTH with Kylie Kaden

Describe yourself in one word:

Tell us about Missing You:
Missing You a contemporary women’s fiction, tells the tale of an extraordinary love shackled in an ordinary life.  Parts are heart-warming – as you watch Aisha and Ryan fall in love, others heart-wrenching, as they face the realities of marriage, family conflict, parenthood. Their love never seems to waver, until, in the dark of night, Aisha leaves their four year old son with his grandpa, and doesn’t come back…

What inspired this novel?
I didn’t really have a lightbulb moment. It ‘evolved’ rather than appeared. For me, romantic love isn’t about fleeting gestures. It’s about carving out a place in your life for someone long term; considering their needs, working as a team to make your life together richer and happier. To serve as a buffer.  I wanted ‘Missing You’  to be firmly grounded in reality, and be honest about the struggles life throws at all of us – it’s not a book for those that want to escape to a wondrous land of perfection, but I think it conveys a message that true love can withstand the realities of life, and grow stronger for the experience.

What are you reading right now?
The Quality of Silence by Rosamund Lupton (author of Sister – one of my all-time faves).

Number one thing to do on your bucket list?
Give my kids a white Christmas (that’s not from leftover wrapping!)

Best thing about being an Aussie?
You have the freedom and opportunity to be who you need to be.

What you want readers to know about the romance genre?
It is not a one-size-fits-all.  Whether you’re after a suspenseful read, a sexy romp, to travel time or escape into a modern fairytale – there is a sub-genre for everyone.

What have you got in store for your readers in 2016?
My third novel (working title The Day The Lies Began) is about the dynamic between two intertwined couples after one person commits an unthinkable act, which slowly unravels their lives. The event tests loyalties and friendships, as each tries to hold on to those they love.  It has been slow going and feels a little experimental this time as the story is told in roving third person – which is new for me, and (due to some rather intricate suspense elements) I’ve started with a plan! Wonders will never cease!

What were your big achievements of 2015?
When you are plodding away on that first manuscript you are hopeful, but unconvinced that anyone will ever read the darn thing, so to see a book with your name on it on shelves in department stores is an amazing feeling. My second novel Missing You launched in April, and my debut Losing Kate was translated to German and Der Sommer Mit Kate launched in Europe in May. A big year for me! To imagine my little Brisbane-set story with very Aussie lingo engaging readers in Europe is quite surreal. (Wonder how they went with translating pluggers?)

But for me, the most rewarding achievement has been receiving letters from returned readers who connect with my characters. I get a lot of emails from readers saying how they enjoyed seeing the relationship that develops between Eli (a four year old boy with Aspergers in ‘Missing You’) and his grandfather (Pat). It is especially rewarding to hear from parents who felt they connected with, and were reassured by my depiction of the challenges, and joys of living with children on the Autism spectrum.



Missing You
Kylie Kaden

Missing You is a tantalising love story and a seductive suspense novel: ‘Our lives were built around the strength of a kiss between strangers. Yet seven years on, look where it led us . . .’

When Aisha met Ryan she fell hard for his good looks and easy charm. Why worry that he didn’t want children or a 9 to 5 job? Nothing and no one would come between them.

But with the birth of their high-needs son, Eli, their extraordinary love is shackled into an ordinary life, their passion blunted by responsibility.

Until Ryan can’t take it anymore.

Then, following a mysterious phone call late one night, Aisha leaves four-year-old Eli in the care of her elderly father Patrick – and doesn’t come back.

As Patrick struggles with the grandson he barely knows or understands, his frustration with his missing daughter and absent son-in-law quickly turns to fear.

Particularly when blood is found in Aisha’s abandoned car . . .

Random House  |  Website  |  Twitter  |  Facebook



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2 Comments on AUSSIE MONTH with Kylie Kaden

  1. I’ve really enjoyed both of Kylie’s books, and she’s very lovely to her readers as well. I’m looking forward to the next one!

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